Forms & Info


Please call our office at 405-467-6782 for a digital link to the most recent intake form.


We accept most insurance plans including:

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Healthchoice
  • Cigna
  • TriCare
  • SoonerCare/Medicaid
  • United Health Care
  • Self-Pay
  • Speech Therapy
  • Feeding Therapy
  • School/Day Care Screenings
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Behavioral Therapy
  • Behavioral Diagnosis

The best place to start is with your child’s primary care physician or pediatrician. The provider will be able to determine which therapies your child might benefit from. Once we receive the referral, we will reach out to schedule your child’s therapy evaluation.

OPTC therapists can treat newborns, toddlers and children up to 18. Our therapists are hand selected for the excellence in therapy but also hearts to serve.  

Tuesday 8:00AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 8:00AM–5:30PM
Thursday 8:00AM–5:30PM


We accept most major insurance carriers. As a courtesy, we pre-verify your child’s insurance benefits.

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield

  • TriCare

  • SoonerCare/Medicaid

  • United Health Care

  • Aetna

  • Self/Pay/Personal Injuries

  • And Others

Need to make a payment?



Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality service. We need your help in order to reach our goal.

The team at OPTC will set up a regular schedule that fits with your time line. It is important for you to realize that active participation is absolutely vital to a successful therapy experience.

We expect consistent attendance in our therapy programs. In the event that you do not call to cancel your appointment in a timely manner or inform our clinic that you will not be attending, it will be recorded as a No Show or missed appointment. We ask that you provide at least 24 hours notice if you are unable to make a session. All sessions cancelled 2 hours or less prior to the beginning of the session will be coded as a No Show. You can call and leave a voicemail outside of hours if there is an emergency within the 24 hours before your session that will prevent you from attending. If you reschedule a session, it will not count as a missed visit. If at all possible, we would like to reschedule the appointment rather than have you cancel. 

You will receive a letter after two missed appointments as a warning of dismissal should a 3rd appointment be missed. Three missed appointments will result in dismissal from your current therapy schedule and you will be placed on the waiting list for services.

Chronic cancellations are also considered problematic. Patients with attendance below 75% in a 20 business day period or 3 cancelled/missed visits in a 20 business day period will result in a discussion with your therapist regarding the efficacy of the current plan of care and may result in dismissal from current therapy and placed at the bottom of the waiting list. Tardiness also impacts therapy progress. Your child will be considered tardy if they arrive more than 7 minutes late for their session. 2 tardies will be equivalent to 1 canceled session. A letter will be sent to your primary care physician (PCP) explaining the reason for discharge from our services. In order to resume services, you will need to obtain a new referral from your PCP and reschedule. We do understand there are special circumstances that can occur and we will review those carefully before making our final decision.  Thank you for your cooperation regarding our attendance policy.

We reserve the best parking spots for our patients! Please try to arrive on time and allow time for parking and unloading.


Every therapy session counts, so we encourage you to switch to a teletherapy appointment instead of cancelling. But we also understand that life happens and it may be necessary to cancel your appointment. Please contact us at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. This will allow us to use this time for another patient. OPTC reserves the right to terminate your therapy appointments following absences or late arrival (more than 10 late) for three consecutive sessions. If treatment is discontinued due to poor attendance, you will be given the option of being placed on a waitlist to secure a future opening for service.

Please share your prayer requests with us so our leadership team can take time to pray for you this week.

Please feel free to share additional prayers and updates here or with your therapist.